The Burmese government and military continue to commit widespread and egregious religious freedom violations, particularly against Rohingya Muslims – nearly one million of whom have been driven out of the country into refugee camps in Bangladesh. S.4659 Rohingya Genocide Determination Act of 2020 and H.R. 8744 Rohingya Genocide Determination Act of 2020
The Burmese government and military continue to commit widespread and egregious religious freedom violations, particularly against Rohingya Muslims – nearly one million of whom have been driven out of the country into refugee camps in Bangladesh. S.4659 Rohingya Genocide Determination Act of 2020 and H.R. 8744 Rohingya Genocide Determination Act of 2020

Easter Sunday 2019, ISIS claimed responsibility for eight attacks by suicide bombers. These were attacks fomenting religious hatred by attacking multiple churches on a high religious holiday.S.Res.176, S.Res.184, H.Res.336, H.Res.346. H.Res.442
Easter Sunday 2019, ISIS claimed responsibility for eight attacks by suicide bombers. These were attacks fomenting religious hatred by attacking multiple churches on a high religious holiday.S.Res.176, S.Res.184, H.Res.336, H.Res.346. H.Res.442

For more than 15 years, USCIRF has documented the Saudi government’s failure to address intolerant content in official textbooks sufficiently. Despite progress in recent years, Saudi textbooks have seen some backsliding regarding language inciting hatred and violence toward non-Muslims. (Source: USCIRF 2020 Country Report)S.357, S.2351, S.Res.169, H.R.554 and H.R.2037
For more than 15 years, USCIRF has documented the Saudi government’s failure to address intolerant content in official textbooks sufficiently. Despite progress in recent years, Saudi textbooks have seen some backsliding regarding language inciting hatred and violence toward non-Muslims. (Source: USCIRF 2020 Country Report)S.357, S.2351, S.Res.169, H.R.554 and H.R.2037

India is the world’s largest democracy. In recent years state-sanctioned persecution and discrimination have sharply escalated for millions of Indian citizens who are Muslim, Christian, and other minority faiths.H.Res.408 and H.Res.745
India is the world’s largest democracy. In recent years state-sanctioned persecution and discrimination have sharply escalated for millions of Indian citizens who are Muslim, Christian, and other minority faiths.H.Res.408 and H.Res.745

Thousands of Iranians are subject to discrimination and persecution because of their religious beliefs. Tehran harasses, interrogates and arrests religious minorities, including Muslims, that do not agree with its Shi'ite regime.S.Con.Res.21, S.Res.578, H.Con.Res.50, H.Res.374, H.Res.752, and H.Res.823
Thousands of Iranians are subject to discrimination and persecution because of their religious beliefs. Tehran harasses, interrogates and arrests religious minorities, including Muslims, that do not agree with its Shi'ite regime.S.Con.Res.21, S.Res.578, H.Con.Res.50, H.Res.374, H.Res.752, and H.Res.823
For more than 15 years, USCIRF has documented the Saudi government’s failure to address intolerant content in official textbooks sufficiently. Despite progress in recent years, Saudi textbooks have seen some backsliding regarding language inciting hatred and violence toward non-Muslims. (Sourcen: USCIRF 2020 Country Report)
S.357, S.2351, S.Res.169, H.R.554 and H.R.2037The International Religious Freedom Congressional Scorecard measures the progress of federal legislative efforts regarding international religious freedom. Information on this page is presented in multiple formats for easy access.
- View the entire scorecard as a PDF with hyperlinks that you can view or download. Review a summary of IRF items scored for the Senate and the House (with links to original text and cosponsor list.) Search the interactive table of votes on IRF items by legislator, state, and item scored. See Senate and House Scores and Grades by State in a downloadable PDF.
- Click the View Key Takeaways button to access the topline analysis of the 117th Congress IRF legislative activity.

Notable Leaders

Marsha Blackburn R-TN
Sidney Blumenthal D-CT
Corey A. Booker D-NJ
John Boozman R-AR
Mike Braun R-IN
Benjamin L. Cardin D-MD
Robert P. Casey, Jr. D-PA
Bill Cassidy R-LA
Susan M. Collins R-ME
Christopher A. Coons D-DE
Tom Cotton R-AR
Kevin Cramer R-ND
Ted Cruz R-TX
Richard J. Durbin D-IL
Joni Ernst R-IA
Diane Feinstein D-CA
Bill Haggerty R-TN
Tim Kaine D-VA
Amy Klobuchar D-MN
James Lankford R-OK
Edward J. Markey D-MA
Robert Menendez D-NJ
Jeff Merkley D-OR
Jerry Moran R-KS
Alex Padilla D-CA
Gary C. Peters D-MI
James E. Risch R-ID
Mitt Romney R-UT
Jacky Rosen D-NV
Rubio, Marco R-FL
Rick Scott R-FL
Jeanne Shaheen D-NH
Dan Sullivan R-AK
Thom Tillis R-NC
Chis Van Hollen D-MD
Elizabeth Warren D-MA
Ron Wyden D-OR
Todd C. Young R-IN

Andy Barr R-KY
Karen Bass D-CA
Ami Bera D-CA
Gus M. Bilirakis R-FL
Earl Bluemenauer D-OR
Suzanne Bonamici D-OR
Jamaal Bowman D-NY
Andre' Carson D-IN
Joaquin Castro D-TX
Steve Chabot R-OH
David Cicilline D-RI
Steve Cohen D-TN
Gerald E. Connolly D-VA
J. Luis Correa D-CA
Jim Costa D-CA
Dan Crenshaw R-TX
Ted Deutch D-FL
Jefferson Van Drew R-NJ
Anna Eshoo D-CA
Dwight Evans D-PA
Brian Fitzpatrick R-PA
Matt Gaetz R-FL
Sarah Jacobs D-CA
Bill Johnson R-OH
Edie Bernice Johnson D-TX
William R. Keating D-MA
Ro Khana D-CA
Andy Kim D-NJ
Young Kim R-CA
Doug Lamborn R-CO
Barbara Lee D-CA
Ted Lieu D-CA
Zoe Lofgren D-CA
Alan Lowenthal D-CA
Tom Malinowski D-NJ
Nicole Malliotakis R-NY
Sean Patrick Maloney D-NY
Kathy Manning D-NC
Michael McCaul R-TX
Betty McCollum D-MN
James McGovern D-MA
Gregory W. Meeks D-NY
Grace Meng D-NY
Mariannette Miller-Meeks R-IA
Seth Moulton D-MA
Ilhan Omar D-MN
Bill Pascrell, Jr. D-NJ
Donald Payne, Jr. D-NJ
Dean Phillips D-MN
Mark Pocan D-WI
Jamie Raskin D-MD
Maria Elvira Salazar R-FL
John P. Sarbanes D-MD
Janice Schakowsky D-IL
Adam Schiff D-CA
Bradley Schneider D-IL
Terri A. Sewell D-AL
Brad Sherman D-CA
Albio Sires D-NJ
Chris Smith R-NJ
Elise Stefanik R-NY
W. Gregory Steube R-FL
Thomas Suozzi D-NY
Eric Swalwell D-CA
Claudia Tenney R-NY
Diana Titus D-NV
Rashida Tlaib D-MI
David Trone D-MD
Juan Vargas D-CA
Ann Wagner R-MO
Michael Waltz R-FL
Randy Weber R-TX
Jennifer Wexton D-VA
Susan Wild D-PA
Nikema Wiliams D-GA
Joe Wilson R-SC
The need to protect and promote religious freedom is more critical now than ever. I am hopeful the International Religious Freedom Congressional Scorecard will spur Congress to more proactively address the continuing and escalating religious freedom crisis worldwide.
Frank WolfFormer VA CongressmanI am grateful that the Scorecard is highlighting the essential role of Congress in advancing international religious freedom.
Chris SmithCongressman (R-NJ)The International Religious Freedom Congressional Scorecard has an incredibly important story to tell. As religious freedom abuses have proliferated around the world, America's efforts to advocate for this bedrock human right have not kept pace. This vital tool tells us who in our Congress is leaning forward in defense of the First Freedom and who is leaning back. This is information we need to know so that all of us can better protect the conscience rights of people across the globe.
Katrina Lantos SwettPresident Lantos Foundation for Human Rights & JusticeMy concern is not only religious freedom around the world, but the lack of leadership on this issue which has been America’s birthright, its lack of leadership today, and that’s why I welcome this particular scorecard initiative.
Os GuinnessAuthor and Social CriticThe International Religious Freedom Congressional Scorecard is an invaluable tool that measures the progress of federal legislative efforts to promote and advance international religious freedom. Equally important, it encourages members of Congress to engage and strengthen U.S. advocacy on behalf of individuals persecuted in foreign countries for their religious beliefs—including the non-religious.
Greg MitchellFounder and CEO, IRF SecretariatHistorically, the United States has been seen as a beacon for religious freedom. I trust that the IRF Congressional Scorecard helps monitor Congress’ performance in standing up for the oppressed religious minorities in every part of the world.
Farahnaz IspahaniAuthor and former Member, Pakistan Parliament, Global Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for ScholarsThis is a critically important initiative. We’re seeing the greatest peril posed to religious freedom since the rise of Nazism and communism.
Nina SheaInternational Human Rights Lawyer,
Senior Fellow, Center for Religious Freedom, Hudson InstituteAs the international religious freedom situation worsens, the Scorecard is a credible, timely mechanism to encourage and inspire U.S. lawmakers to advance religious freedom for all.
Bob FuFounder & President, ChinaAidAt a time when our world is wracked with the suffering of those enduring persecution for their faith, I am so thankful for the Religious Freedom Scorecard. The scorecard illumines those heroes in the U.S. Congress who are fighting for international religious freedom; celebrates the non-partisan character of this battle; and challenges others in Congress to ‘go and do thou likewise.’
Faith J. H. McDonnellDirector of Advocacy, Katartismos GlobalThe International Religious Freedom Congressional Scorecard is a valuable resource that religious freedom advocates in the United States and beyond can use as both a navigational map and a Who's Who directory. Clearly, we need to work harder on advocacy and get more members of Congress to speak out on behalf of those being persecuted in different parts of the world because of their faith.
Nguyen Dinh Thang, PhDCEO & President of BPSOS,
Laureate of 2011 Asia Democracy and Human Rights AwardReligious minorities around the world continue to face increasing levels of persecution as religious freedom continues to decline in various regions and countries. This fundamental human right and core American freedom must be championed by Members of the United States Congress. The Congressional Scorecard is a fantastic tool that helps track how the U.S. Congress is championing this freedom and encouraging its growth on a global scale.
Matias PerttulaThe International Religious Freedom scorecard is a tool for Members of Congress and advocates to look at and ask, 'how are we doing, where could we do more?' That's critically important. We aren't a movement that is just about talk. We are about advancing religious freedom through action.
Former Ambassador at Large for International Religious FreedomSam Brownback
I am so grateful to have served as the 3rd US Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, and for the work we did together to shine the light on International Religious Freedom issues worldwide. The International Religious Freedom Score Card is a valuable tool in seeing to it that this important work continues.
Hon. Suzan Johnson CookFormer Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, the Obama Administration