117th SENATE
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wdt_ID | wdt_created_by | wdt_created_at | wdt_last_edited_by | wdt_last_edited_at | Member | State | Party | Notes | Score (Max:61) | Grade | S.1080* | S.1142* | S.1310* | S.2142* | S.2863* | S.2937* | S.3384* | S.3895 | S.4073* | S.4216* | S.4290* | S.5082* | S.Con.Res.47* | S.Res.13* | S.Res.35 | S.65 | S.Res.99* | S.Res.105* | S.Res.131* | S.Res.183* | S.Res.260* | S.Res.342* | S.Res.495* | S.Res.513* | S. Res.803* | S.Res.821* | H.R.7776 | HR Caucus | BTFCAS | SA for POC |
1922 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | Richard Shelby | Alabama | R | 4 | D | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1923 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | Tommy Tuberville | Alabama | R | 5 | C | CS | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1924 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | Dan Sullivan | Alaska | R | 12 | A | OCS | CS | Y | Y | Y | CS | CS | OCS | Y | M | |||||||||||||||||||||
1925 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | Lisa Murkowski | Alaska | R | 6 | C | CS | Y | Y | Y | Y | M | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1926 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | Mark Kelly | Arizona | D | 8 | C | Y | CS | Y | Y | CS | CS | Y | M | |||||||||||||||||||||||
1927 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | Kyrsten Sinema | Arizona | D | 7 | C | Y | Y | Y | CS | Y | M | M | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1928 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | John Boozman | Arkansas | R | 13 | A | OCS | Y | Y | Y-OCS | OCS | OCS | Y | M | |||||||||||||||||||||||
1929 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | Tom Cotton | Arkansas | R | 11 | A | CS | Y | OCS | Y | Y-OCS | OCS | Y | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1930 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | Diane Feinstein | California | D | 19 | A+ | OCS | Y | OCS | Y-CS | Y-OCS | OCS | CS | OCS | OCS | Y | M | ||||||||||||||||||||
1931 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:52 PM | Alex Padilla | California | D | 15 | A | CS | OCS | Y | CS | Y | Y | CS | CS | OCS | OCS | Y | M |
117th HOUSE
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wdt_ID | wdt_created_by | wdt_created_at | wdt_last_edited_by | wdt_last_edited_at | Member | State | Party | Notes | Score (Max:82) | Grade | H.R.496 | H.R.1155 | H.R.1630* | H.R.2117* | H.R.3056* | H.R.3306* | H.R.3465Â * | H.R.4785 | Â H.R.4821Â | H.R.5497 | H.R.5665 | H.R.6204* | H.R.6256 | H.R.6319Â * | H.R.7332* | H.R.7829* | H.R.9596* | H.Con.Res.110* | H.Res.160* | Â H.Res.456Â * | H.Res.466* | H.Res.500* | H.Res.527* | H.Res.694* | H.Res.744 | H.Res.843Â * | H.Res.895Â * | H.Res.926* | H.Res.1125 | H.Res.1196* | H.Res.1430* | Ahmadiyya | IRF Caucus | RMME | Lantos HRC | BTFCAS | DFP POC |
1365 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | Mary Pelota (1) | Alaska | D | (1) Not scored, took office 8/6/22 | Y | Y | Y | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1366 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | Donald Young (1) | Alaska | D | (1) Not scored, died 3/18/2022 | Y | N | Y | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1367 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | LouAnn | 21/04/2024 06:20 PM | Mike Flood (10) | Nebraska | R | (10) Not scored, Flood took office 6/8/22 | Y | Y | Y | M | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1368 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | Jeff Fortenberry (10) | Nebraska | R | (10) Not scored, Fortenberry resigned 3/31/22 | Y | CS | N | Y | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1369 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | Debra Haaland (11) | New Mexico | D | (11) Not scored, Haaland resigned 3/16/21 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1370 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | Melanie Stansbury (11) | New Mexico | D | (11) Stansbury took office 6/1/21 | 10 | C | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y-CS | N | Y | Y | Y | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1371 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | Antonio Delgado (12) | New York | D | (12) Not scored, Delgado resigned 5/25/22 | Y | Y | CS | Y-CS | Y | Y | Y | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1372 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | Patrick Ryan (12) | New York | D | (12) Not scored, Ryan took office 8/23/22 | Y | Y | Y | M | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1373 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | Tom Reed (13) | New York | R | (13) Not scored, Reed resigned 5/10/22 | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | CS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1374 | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | JohnG | 18/04/2024 08:43 PM | Joe Sempolinski (13) | New York | R | (13) Not scored, Sempolinski took office 8/23/22 | Y | Y | Y |
(1) Donald Young not scored, died 3/18/22
(1) Mary Pelota not scored, took office 8/6/22
(2) Karen Bass resigned 12/9/22
(3) Devin Nunes not scored, resigned 1/22
(3) Connie Conway not scored, took office 6/7/22
(4) Alcee L. Hastings not scored, died 4/6/21
(4) Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick not scored, took office 1/11/22
(5) Charlie Crist resigned 8/31/22
(6) Ted Deutch resigned 9/30/22
(7) Jackie Walorski died 8/3/22
(7) Rudy Yakym III not scored, took office 11/8/22
(8) Cedric Richmond not scored, resigned 1/15/21
(8) Troy Carter took office 7/4/21
(9) Jim Hagerdorn not scored, died 2/17/22
(9) Brad Finstead not scored, took office 8/9/22
(10) Jeff Fortenberry not scored, resigned 3/31/22
(10) Mike Flood not scored, took office 6/8/22
(11) Debra Haaland not scored, resigned 3/16/21
(11) Melanie Stansbury took office 6/1/21
(12) Antonio Delgado not scored, resigned 5/25/22
(12) Patrick Ryan not scored, took office 8/23/22
(13) Tom Reed not scored, resigned 5/10/22
(13) Joe Sempolinksi not scored, took office 8/23/22
(14) G.K. Butterfield resigned 12/30/22
(15) Marcia L. Fudge not scored, resigned 3/10/21
(15) Shontel Brown not scored, took office 11/2/21
(16) Steve Stivers not scored, resigned 6/16/21
(16) Mike Carey not scored, took office 11/2/21
(17) Michael Doyle resigned 12/31/22
(18) Fileman Vela not scored, resigned 3/31/22
(18) Maya Flores not scored, took office 6/14/22
(19) Ron Wright not scored, died 2/7/21
(19) Jake Ellzey not scored, took office 7/20/22
(20) A. Donald McEachin died 11/28/22